martes, 10 de septiembre de 2013


My written task consisted in a diary entry from Jane Eyre after she was falsely accused by Mr. Brocklehurst of being a liar. I chose to do a diary entry cause it's the best way to express the characters personal feelings and explore them in the different situations that happen during the novel. I took some quotes from the book and I used them in the entry.

"If I had anywhere else to go, I should be glad to leave it; but I can never get away from Gateshead till I am a woman."(Chapter III)
I used this quote to show the feelings that Gateshead leaved in Jane's childhood.

"a tin oaten cake shared into fragments", "it's a nauseous mess; burnt porridge is almost as bad as rotten potatoes; famine itself soon sickens over it." (Chapter V)
Both of this quote helped me described the lack of food in Lowood's School

"Prejudices, it is well known, are most difficult to eradicate from de heart whose soil has never been loosened or fertilized by education: they grow there, firm as weeds among stones." (Chapter XXIX)
This quote let me explain what where Jane's thoughts about Mr. Brocklehurst prejudices towards poor people. It also helped me show the equality thoughts that Jane had about society.

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