lunes, 29 de octubre de 2012

Anne Frank's Diary

Anne Frank was one of over one million Jewish children who 
died in the Holocaust. She was born on June 12, 1929, in 
Frankfurt, Germany, to Otto and Edith Frank. 
For the first 5 years of her life, Anne lived with her parents and older sister, Margot, in an apartment on the outskirts of Frankfurt. After the NAZI seizure of power in 1933, they fled to Amsterdam.
The Germans occupied Amsterdam in may 1940, deporting Jews to Auschwitz-Birkenau and Sobibor killing centres in German-occupied Poland.
During the occupation, Anne and her family went to hiding in a secret attic apartment behind the office of the family-owned business. They stayed there for two years.
On August 4, 1944, the Gestapo (German Secret State Police) discovered the hiding place. The Franks were sent by train along with other Jewish prisoners to The Auschwitz Concentration Camp Complex. Due to their age, the two girls were transferred to the Bergen-Belsen Concentration Camp, where they both died of typhus in March 1945, just a few weeks before British troops liberated it. The girls' mother, Edith, also died in Auschwitz. Only Otto, the father, survived the war.

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