miércoles, 26 de junio de 2013

Written Task (Rationale)

I chose this topic because I like sports, and I don't like the necessity of Marketing to control every area. The text type (letter to the editor), allowed me to explore the topic in a more relaxed way, cause it doesn't have to be very formal, and, also, it makes it easier to approach my opinions to a solid argument.
I tried to make it a little neutral but still defending my motion. Also, I putted some terms of what we’ve passed on class, like Celebritie influence, Media, or Marketing.
I had some few examples that where easy for me to explain cause it was about things that I like. I mencioned former NBA player Oscar Robertson, also FC Barcelona, and Marcelo Rios. All my examples where little anecdotes that I knew from before.
         All the ideas that I mencioned in the text, where ment to convince people that marketing is transforming the meaning of sports, but, also, I considered some good points from marketing, but arround how much money it produces for the respectives teams or players that, then, get a lot of money and, then, appears the origin from my opinions, they give a bad use or a good use to all that money? That’s why I wrote this letter is for.

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