lunes, 18 de marzo de 2013

Test Practice

Whoever controls the media also controls opinions and attitudes of the people and there is little that can be done to rectify this.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

I disagree, because this are modern times, and people can develop their own opinions from a political view, religious believes, or perception of reality. People now days tend to criticize the media more than depend of it as the only way to know current affairs. Also media can't be controlled by just one person, because people have different cultures and there is no way that one person can inform everyone making everyone happy cause there must be some biased information. If media determines people opinion, then may be we all could be trapped in the same paradigm, because if media keeps on making us base our thoughts in a unreal truth, then we are all trapped in a lie that only people that are unrelated from the media can avoid. Thats is why the world's media isn't determined by only one person, because alternative information can be helpful to make people realize the reality of things and change a schematized perspective of what's happening around. If only one person controls the media, there's one thing I can agree in, that there's little that can be done to rectify this, but it can spread easily, because it gets viral, and alternative media starts growing and the one person that controls the media, will star to get small because people will start to relay on the alternative media because, may be, it adjust to their life styles, religious orientations, or any other believe or culture that make people choose their medium of information.      

viernes, 8 de marzo de 2013

Language and Mass Communication (CC page 157)

Ad Analysis.

The advertisement from Axe, shows that playing arcade games being a grown up is being a looser, and the grown up thin to do is to get a girlfriend, and Axe can bring you that.

1. Axe, by the ad agency Lowe Bull.
2. Enciting, because it tries to convince people to were Axe and get a girlfriend by showing how people that play arcade games doesn't have social life.
3. Excitement, love, Vice.
4.The female point of view, because it shows women as toys.
5.To sell Axe, and give people without a girlfriend confidence.


This year stars very hard for us, we are going to be working with language and mass communication, and hen we will have to read some difficult books. It looks like we are going to be working a lot this new year.

1st semester: Language and Mass Communication (media texts critical analysis)

2nd semester: Literature, Critical Study
                            -Jane Eyre
                            -Collections of Poems