lunes, 19 de marzo de 2012

How did Language developed in Humans

YouTube Video

Answer these questions based on the video you just watched:
1. Which is the 'trick' (process) that enables us to communicate something to others?

2. Do animals talk? If not, What do they do to communicate?

3. What do we express when we talk?

4. WHat did Dr Deb Roy try to achieve in his house?

5. Which are the earliest stages in language for a child?

6. What external and internal factors made the data recollected in the experiment into something they could use?

7. How did the parent's speech change from their son's first word until he could utter more complex structures?

8. What does Dr Deb Roy compare the "blossoming" of a speech form?


1.Trying to send our thoughts to other people

2.They do meaningless sounds to communicate

3.Our needs or thoughts

4.Try to figure out how humans learn to talk

5.From babbling to easy sounds to complex sentences

7.They started with simple words to complex sentences

8.With a flower

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