martes, 4 de diciembre de 2012

Fairy Tale: The Dog that could Talk

Once upon a time, in a little neighbourhood arround north england, there was a little boy called Jack who didn't had a brother nor any friend. One christmas, his parents where very concerned of his lonelyness so they gave him a dog to be his friend. Jack called him Bryan. He was all day playing with Bryan in the yard until one day Jack fell in a hole and broke his leg. Jack couldn't play with Bryan anymore so he started feeling lonely again. Jack started thinking how he was going to be able to spend time with Bryan, and the only thing that he could think of was making him talk, wich was impossible.

Two ngiht later, a shooting star passed in te sky, so Jack wished that Bryan could be able to talk, but nothing happend. The next morning Bryan woke up Jack shouting "Good Morning! Good Morning Jack!". Jack was terrified and happy at the same time, he couldn't belive his wish came true.

A week after that, the dog that could talk was the big news all over the little neighbourhood, then the news went to London. A month later, the entire world was talking about the talking dog. Bryan was invited to TV shows, he was in the cover of magazines, and he was the most famous dog. Jack started feeling left a side, his only friend didn't play with him anymore. He was lonely again.

A year later, Jack was going to school when suddenly a man appears and offers him a deal. to buy Bryan for a million pounds. Jack didn't play anymore with Bryan so he didn't had anything to lose. Jack accepted the deal.

Jack never saw Bryan again, he didn't saw the only friend that he had anymore, and he remembers him every day. Sometimes people don't realize how much we can care about something or someone until we lose them.